Easy Jelly Custard

Easy Jelly Custard

My blog has become an abandoned child literally ... with no post since 4 years.... years 4 long years.Now when I got the email that I should publish something to keep my blog alive and not get it shut down.. this post becomes THEContinue reading
On 12:37

Balaleet - Traditional Qatari Breakfast

Balaleet - Traditional Qatari Breakfast

Though Alhamdulillah life has been busy that I couldn't put up a few important blog posts, I didn't want to miss this post which will also be the last post of this year in sha Allah. No guesses for it as today isContinue reading
On 15:47

Mutton Kheema filling

Mutton Kheema filling

The one and a half month summer vacation came  to an end last week.. spent the summers here is Qatar and should say the days went quite fast.Attended some beautiful workshops, had a good rest, tried few new recipes, hand painted backgrounds forContinue reading
On 19:46

Nungu Sharbat / Ice Apple Sharbat

Nungu Sharbat / Ice Apple Sharbat

Once again after a long break from the blog.. but this time was completely unexpected.. i think my last post was in feb 2019.. after that life has been a sheer roller coaster... Every time life gets busy blog work always gets abandoned..Continue reading
On 12:18

Pom Cukes Salad

Pom Cukes Salad

Its 10th of the month and time for Muslim Food Bloggers Challenge. I know I am writing up the post pretty at the last moment.. but was totally caught up in a new project I ve taken up.. hopefully in sha allah itContinue reading
On 23:21